Smart Feature – Dynamic Rendering for Engagement Rings
Most times, consumers have no clue about diamond sizes, we solved this with our automatic rendering feature, learn how.
Smart Feature – Dynamic Rendering for Engagement Rings
Most times, consumers have no clue about diamond sizes, we solved this with our automatic rendering feature, learn how.

Sometimes—no, actually—most times, consumers have no clue about diamond sizes. They often have questions like these: Is one carat big or small? Will a one-carat stone look minuscule on my fuller finger, or will it overpower my petite hand? Will a two-carat princess cut look as large as a two-carat emerald cut? Is the ‘asscher’ cut flattering on my finger? Thoughts like these often leave customers feeling stumped and unsure—especially when they can’t try the rings on in person. Even in today’s world, in which people shop increasingly online, this lack of knowledge about ring cuts, carats, and sizes can still pose an issue for online buyers. However, with the right tools, there is a way around this. Read below to learn more about how we have solved this for your customers.
Now, we’ll introduce a very useful feature we have for engagement Rings: Where the Diamond is all about. Despite even the most thorough and precise wording, we all know how challenging it can be to explain sizes and stones to consumers. Moreover, some of the customers would like to buy a specific design—let’s say a Solitaire ring—with a larger stone or maybe a different diamond shape. Before they make the final online purchase, many customers would appreciate more than simply visualizing their custom rings in their heads; more likely, a customer would prefer to see the final, custom ring and view how it looks on his or her own hand. That is why we added our award-winning Dynamic Rendering feature.
How Does It Work?
During the Virtual Try-on process, your customers use our Dynamic Rendering process, which allows them to customize the shapes of the center stone and carat weight. With this tool, customers get a chance to try on the same design but alternate the diamond shapes and sizes to see how they will look on their own fingers. They can find their ideal style, as well as understand the proportions. This is an excellent option for customers to see what they have imagined and is, perhaps, an option they may not even get from the local jewelry shop.
Smart Integration
When integrated on your page, our system will show only the stones and sizes that you allow to be set in the ring. In other words, the smart integration ensures that customers can only customize the ring with alternate stones, sizes, and cuts available for that particular ring. If you already have a design tool (such as a Ring Builder or Configurator), our system will complement it for a unique user experience, syncing to the available shapes and sizes that we are shown in the Try-on for each ring.
What’s more,
we don’t need extra images or renderings to activate this feature, we know how to do it fully automatically. We guarantee that the integration is ‘plug & play’no matter what.
What’s more,
we don’t need extra images or renderings to activate this feature, we know how to do it fully automatically. We guarantee that the integration is ‘plug & play’no matter what.